“While going through the data, I realized it was flawed and filled with holes. I had very low expectations."
—Dr. Savage
The Challenges
Despite the vaccine administration program’s success, insurmountable issues regarding billing, and insurance reimbursement arose in the months that followed.
There were several inherent errors in the overall process, many of which sprung from intake software limitations. Of the 76,000 patients, Dr. Savage had served, information was either missing or incorrect for over 60% of this group; the remaining 40% required insurance verification. This placed a severe burden on his billers and administrative staff.
Dr. Savage's practice began to drown. His only option was to resolve these challenges. "I was definitely struggling; I was under a lot of pressure,” said Dr. Savage.
He began with several attempts to alleviate the problem. He initially had his in-house biller look at the problem. With 76,000 patients served, the task scale was huge, however. “A single biller had a tough time keeping up with seventy-some-thousand vaccinations," said Dr. Savage.
Seeing his previous attempts futile, he tried hiring multiple third-party billers hoping for a more streamlined claim processing approach. Still, traditional billing services were unable to find a solution that was feasible or efficient. Despite two months of effort, third-party billers had barely scratched the surface. There were multiple system errors and claim denials making the process exceedingly inefficient, expensive, and slow. After three months, Dr. Savage’s billing team had successfully addressed the needs of only 5,000/76,000 patients (6%)
He turned to CharmHealth billing tech team of his EHR Provider, CharmEHR for a deeper look. CharmHealth's audit revealed three main challenge areas.